Date published: 28/03/2013

Gavin Buckley, Artsource CEO, welcomes you to the new Artsource website.

Today we launch this first phase of the new Artsource website.  I am delighted to welcome all our members, friends and supporters to what is becoming a fresh, dynamic and engaging new platform for our members and their work.  There are further developments to come, but already, this new site is delivering more than the old one it replaced.

The Artsource website is a vital element of our partnership with our members.  It must also be the cornerstone of our communications and advocacy work and project the excellence, diversity and outstanding value the visual arts bring to Western Australia.  From the moment I joined Artsource, in October 2012, I was determined to fix the website, indeed, it has been my top priority.  We are not fully there yet, but I hope you will agree that we are now on the right track and the light visible at the end of the tunnel is both bright and very much closer.

The new site is designed to be confident, fresh and with our members and their work front and centre.  We have also ensured that social media is fully integrated helping us to consistently reach and involve new audiences.

We are working with Alyka, professional website developers with much experience and expertise.  As I write, construction of the additional functions and features is well underway.  These will be phased in and I expect the majority of this to be in place in the next two to three months.  Some aspects of the development are technically challenging, but we are working with experts and the team is determined to get this right and deliver a functionally-rich site that we can all be proud of.

So what's still to come?

  • New Members and Associates will be able to sign-up online.
  • Members and Associates will be able to logon and manage their accounts.
  • PLUS and MAX Members will have a profile page including nine images.
  • Members will be able to manage their images online.
  • Artist database allowing users to freely search for art and artists.
  • Member news and events.
  • Patrons and donors will be able to sign-up and donate online.

Today, as we launch our new website, Artsource takes a significant step forward.  We still have work to do and the team is flat-out ensuring that the additional functions are delivered to a high quality and within the next three months.  In the meantime, I very much hope that you enjoy our new website and I look forward to announcing the additional functions as and when they are introduced.

Gavin Buckley
Chief Executive Officer

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