Deidre Robb



I am originally from Aotearoa New Zealand and have lived in Mandurah since 2010. I studied clothing and textiles, am also a librarian, and my working life has been a patchwork of roles in both sectors as well as in arts administration, the GLAM sector, event management, and community development. I have always made artworks as well as functional objects. For the past five years my practice has been weighted almost exclusively towards creating art, though I use the same materials and traditional textile techniques for both sides of my practice.

Solo Exhibitions

Recent works

The Bank Gallery, Carnamah

Group Exhibitions

Cultivating Slow-Making

Mundaring Arts Centre

Promise :: Material & Matter

Lost Eden Creative, Dwellingup

twentyfive + crossover

Holmes Ă  Court Gallery @ no.10, Perth


Embroiderers’ Guild of Western Australia

North Midlands Project


Glasgow St Art Centre Artist in Residence Programme

Whanganui, Aotearoa NZ

Ebb + Flow Artist in Residence

North Midlands Project, Carnamah

Artist Statement

Deidre Robb investigates meaningful stories, experiences and causes. These range from the deeply personal through to universal social issues, and the environmental issues impacting on the places we live. Her interests in historical textiles, traditional handcrafts, and sustainable living strongly inform her work.