Pearling luggers, Broome, 2014.Public Art Masterplan

Broome Town Site, Western Australia

  • Client: Shire of Broome
  • Role of Artsource: Art Consultant
  • Outcome: An in-depth study and plan for Public Art
  • Completion date: April 2014

The Shire of Broome approached Artsource to develop a Masterplan for Public Art that will be used to guide developers and local government in commissioning artworks for major revitalisation projects throughout the Town Site. After extensive consultation with members of Broome's community, including local government, cultural and visual arts sectors, a curatorial response to the region was developed. This response identifies narratives that reflect stories from Broome. Out of this, Artsource developed a plan for Broome Town Site in general, and Chinatown in particular. The document explores a vision and how to implement the vision so the stories told through public art are relevant to Broome and its people and culture. It suggests locations within Chinatown and strategies to assist the Broome community get the best value out of its public artwork. The Master Plan addresses issues of prosperity through the exploration of economic opportunities provided by public art.