VisAbilityWA Expo
VisabilityWA, Perth, Western Australia
Client: VisAbilityWA
Role of Artsource: Art Consultant
Artists: Alana McVeigh, Karen Millar, Sarah Wilkinson, Pascal Proteau
Outcome: Tactile and audio description workshops with artworks from selected artists
Completion date: September 2016
VisAbilityWA is a leading provider of disability services, specialised in supporting people who are blind or vision impaired. The VisAbility technology Outlook 2016 Expo was open to VisAbilityWa clients, their friends and family, health professional and health service providers and included vendor displays, presentations and workshops.
As a part of the expo, DADAA showcased their Access All Arts program, a project which has been activated at venues across Perth including the Perth Institute of Contemporary Art (PICA), the Fremantle Street Arts Festival, the Perth International Arts Festival, the Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery and the Spare Parts Puppet Theatre.
DADAA delivered demonstrations of their visual arts tactile tours and live audio descriptions across the two day event, with artworks generously loaned by Artsource artist members, Alana McVeigh, Karen Millar, Pascal Proteau and Sarah Wilkinson.

Images from top right: VisAbility Expo, 2016, photographer Katherine Wilkinson.